20. The Sea Women of Melanesia (SWoM)- Naomi Longa

In this episode, we look at the role of Indigenous and Traditional Knowledge, and western science in Ecosystem-Based Adaptations especially when it comes to ​​marine conservation. Things like Human activity such as overfishing, and climate change have been known to cause coral bleaching. Overfishing causes the number of fish to plummet and slowly breakdown the biodiversity if there is no proper ecosystem-based adaptation plans in place to manage our ecosystems.

So what can be done about it?

Dr. Mere speaks with Naomi Longa, who is a team leader for the Sea Women of Melanesia (SWoM) program based in Papua New Guinea. Hear about the incredible work of the SWoM, a group of Indigenous women who trained to safeguard coral reefs under threat from climate change.

The goal is to give women in the South Pacific region the skills to monitor the health of coral reefs, and create, and restore marine protected areas. Last year, they were named Champions of the Earth, the UN's highest environmental award, in the Inspiration and Action category.

WELCOME Naomi Longa - joining me on the Mat from the Papua New Guinea


Sea Women of Melanesia https://www.seawomen.net/

Champions of the Earth: The Sea Women of Melanesia https://news.un.org/en/story/2021/12/1108282

Sustainable Period Pads for the Sea Women of Melanesia. https://hub.givar.com/connect/org/CoralSeaFoundation/campaigns/sustainable-pads-for-sea-women


Am Sailing to Blue Ocean by Naio


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